Manager Research

We provide detailed institutional-quality global investment manager research and fund ratings. Based in South Africa and the UK,
all members of our manager research team have over ten years of investment experience.

New Fund Ratings: Anchor Capital

14 Sep 2018

We have recently concluded a full review of the Anchor Capital suite of funds. Anchor is a relatively new business (founded 2012, listed 2014) and has expanded its footprint quickly to cover multiple lines of financial services. Early performance was exceptionally strong, and as a result client interest was high – particularly in the period around 2015.  The business is early in its life cycle and we see regular evidence of this impacting funds (recent resignation of the CIO as an example).  In addition, it is not yet at scale across many of its business lines and this does not create the strongest base from which to run a full active investment process.  We expect to see material changes in the short and medium term as the business matures and develops its various propositions. Having covered equity, fixed income and multi-asset funds, we do not yet have the confidence level to recommend any of the Anchor funds to clients.